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SEN Resource

Going Digital - Intermediate/Advanced

Boy sat typing on a laptop, aided by a smiling adult

Overall time

20 minutes


Managing risks and emotions associated with money


As more people are using cashless payment methods in society today, it is important that we teach children how things are paid for without physically exchanging money.

This activity is part of our range of Money Heroes resources for children with special educational needs.

These resources have been adapted to be flexible for use in a range of settings and with children of varying abilities or special educational needs. Rather than using age groups or key stages, each activity has been given a difficulty level, based on children’s financial knowledge, skills and understanding. Practitioners should choose activities based on the financial capability level of the children they are working with.

This is an intermediate/advanced level activity – this level suits children who are ready to start building on their financial education knowledge and basic understanding with more challenging thinking and development of skills.

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